Environment Crowdfunding Platform in India

India ranks among the worst performers in the world on indicators such as air quality, water and sanitation with 13 of our cities constituting the world’s 20 most polluted cities.

From planting trees to building ecological toilets, live projects on SFA need your help to make a difference.

What Is Environment Crowdfunding?

Just as large monuments need solid bases to ensure their long-term existence, so too does the environment. In the case of nature conservation, it requires money to support diverse research projects, on-ground activities, and outreach aimed at protecting and managing species and habitats.

Protecting our environment is vital to ensuring our future as a species. While government agencies exist to create public policy regarding climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, and clean water, nonprofit organizations work to address issues like the preserving land, protecting endangered specifies, supporting sustainable agriculture, and encouraging environmentalism in the community through activities like planting community gardens.

While the health of the environment continues to decline globally, in most regions government funding falls short of what is required to stem the losses. Crowdfunding plays an important and under-appreciated role for biodiversity conservation.

Read more about Environment crowdfunding: All you need to know.

How Does Environment Crowdfunding Works?

Environment is very essential in every aspect of life. Whatever present in our surroundings that affects our ability to live on earth like air we breathe, water we drink, plants and animals around us, the components like physical, chemical, biological, social and much more, is what known as Environment. The rapid growing and economic development is leading to number of environmental issues in India. In order to deal with the increasing damage to environment many organizations (both government and private), universities, companies, research institutes etc have been set up.

Environmental NGOs can play a crucial role in helping to plug gaps by conducting research to facilitate policy development, building institutional capacity, and facilitating independent dialogue with civil society to help people live more sustainable lifestyles. This section provides detailed information of India based Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) who are working in environmental sector.

Campaigning organization, which uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and to force the solutions which are essential to a green and peaceful future, whose goal is to ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity.

  • protect biodiversity in all its forms
  • prevent pollution and abuse of the earth’s ocean, land, air and fresh water
  • end all nuclear threats
  • promote peace, global disarmament and non-violence

Why Environment Crowdfund On Social For Action?

The pace of climate change is accelerating. Events that once happened on geologic timescales are now happening so quickly that human beings are recognizing them as immediate threats to our personal survival, property, and prosperity. If you want to make a difference and support organizations that protect our environment, there are a number of ways to do this, including crowdfunding. Support NGO’s working for environment of SOCIALForAction.COM today! The Future is counting on you.

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