A step towards village development with the help of administrative machinery, public participation, NGOs and 'company' CSR


'Social for Action' is an online, digital website platform for crowd funding for social initiatives through 'Sakal Social Foundation'. Through this, efforts are made to bring together philanthropic individuals, organizations and institutions that accept social responsibility (CSR) and solve problems related to school students, schools and citizens in rural areas. Also, the campaign of NGOs doing good work in Maharashtra is implemented. Through this campaign, the campaign of 19 NGOs working in various fields in Maharashtra has been completed in two and a half years. Also, the funds collected through crowd funding are classified to the respective organizations.

Bheema's Dream of Abundant Water, Fulfilled

In the interiors of an already blazing Maharashtra, the village of Bope-Waghmachiwadi stood still under the blazing sun, its parched earth mirroring the villagers' longing for water. Among them was Bheema, a bright-eyed 7-year-old boy, whose innocent wonder echoed the village's unspoken question: why did children on the village TV have so much water when here, every drop was a treasure that had to be spared?

Every morning, Bheema watched his mother and the other women of the Dhangar community embark on a grueling journey. With buckets balanced on their heads, they walked one and a half kilometers to fetch water from a distant well. Bheema often daydreamed of a world where water flowed freely, where his village echoed with laughter and songs instead of weary sighs, and where his mum wouldn’t have to toil in the blazing heat just to get him some water.

Bheema Sees Light At The End of The Tunnel

Bheema’s dreams began to take shape when the 'Social for Action' initiative by 'Sakal Social Foundation' arrived in Bope-Waghmachiwadi. Hope took its first breath as philanthropic individuals, voluntary organizations, and Newman & Essar Engineering (India) Pvt. Ltd. joined hands to transform the village.

Driven by a vision, Newman & Essar Engineering, through their CSR initiative, installed a 3 HP electric motor on the village well. A water pipeline, stretching 1560 meters, was laid, bringing the dream of abundant water closer to reality.

Bheema watched in awe as the once distant well now quenched the thirst of his village, one drop at a time.

The MSEB Chips In

The Mahavitaran (MSEB Department) recognized the village's need and rallied behind the cause. With Chief Engineer Rajendra Pawar and his team's support, electricity poles were erected, ensuring the water flowed seamlessly.

Inspired by this transformation, the village of Shingadewadi witnessed a miracle. A once-dry Shiva period tank at Uglewadi was revitalized, storing an astounding 2 crore 35 lakh 20 thousand litres of water. Bheema's heart swelled with pride as he watched the solar-powered motor release water, bringing relief to 900 families across the region.

Water Travels To Others In Need

But the journey of hope didn't end there. Fadalewadi-Limbonichiwadi's water woes were addressed with a new well, thanks to collaborative efforts from 'Sakal Relief Fund', local Gram Panchayat, Rotary Club, Watershed Organization, and 'Shashwat' Swayamseva Sanstha.

Water That Bheema Could Touch and Feel

As the village wells brimmed with water, Bheema's dreams transformed into reality. His innocent wonder had ignited a spark, driving a community, voluntary organizations, and corporate CSR to create a brighter, more sustainable future for Bope-Waghmachiwadi.

Now, Bheema no longer wondered why children on TV had abundant water. Instead, he proudly declared, "We have water too, and it's the best gift ever!" The village echoed with his laughter, a testament to resilience, compassion, and the indomitable spirit of a young boy who believed in miracles.

You Too Can Make A Difference

Witnessing the transformation of Bope-Waghmachiwadi and the joy it brought to Bheema's eyes, it's evident that collective action can create miracles. Every drop counts, and every contribution brings us closer to a world where no child wonders about the scarcity of water.

Join the 'Social for Action' initiative by contributing to our crowdfunding platform. Whether it's supporting a water project, educational initiatives, or healthcare programs, you have the power to choose an initiative that resonates with your heart.

Donate today and be a part of a movement that is shaping brighter, sustainable futures for communities in need. Together, we can turn dreams into realities and make the world a better place for all.

Villagers of Bope (Waghamachi Wadi) got water through pipeline :-

Twenty to twenty-five families of the Dhangar community live in the remote area of Bope - Waghmachiwadi, seventy kilometers from Pune city, and agriculture and dairy animals are the main means of livelihood of the villagers here. Drinking water is a serious problem in summer. There was a water well here, but no aqueduct to carry the water from the well to the water tank. Also, there was no electric motor in the well, so the villagers had to walk one and a half kilometers with a bucket on their heads to fetch drinking water from the well.

Aqueduct Project through Company 'CSR' :-

Newman & Essar Engineering (India) Pvt. in Bhosari, Pune under the campaign 'Social for Action' implemented through 'Sakal Social Foundation'. Ltd. under the Social Responsibility (CSR) Fund of the company, a 3 HP electric motor has been installed on the well by laying a water pipe about 1560 meters long from the well to the water tank in the remote village of Bope - Waghamachi Wadi.

Maha Vitaran support for the project :-

The main problem after the aqueduct and electric motor project at Bope-Waghmachiwadi was that there was no three-phase electricity connection in the village. For that purpose, by installing three electricity poles for three-page electricity connection, water supply has been started from the well to the water tank by connecting the electricity meter. For this, the Chief Engineer of Mahavitaran Rajendra Pawar, Superintending Engineer Yuvraj Jarag, Mulshi Executive Engineer Manik Rathod, Deputy Executive Engineer of Nasarapur Center Navnath Ghatule, Assistant Engineer of Velha-2 Santosh Shinde got support. His cooperation was obtained.

Drinking water problem of Shingadewadi solved :-

There is a Shiva period tank at Uglewadi (Talepathar) above Shingadewadi on the border of Ambegaon and Khed talukas. But in summer the water in this pond reached the bottom. Due to this, there was a severe shortage of drinking water in this area. Due to this, along with the villagers, the animals were also suffering from water shortage. Recognizing this problem, under the 'Social for Action' campaign, Newman and Essar Engineering (India) Pvt. Limited, with the help of 'Sakaal Relief Fund', local village panchayat, people's participation and 'Shashwat' voluntary organization at Manchar, 45 meters long, 15 meters wide and 2 meters deep, the pond was created with a capacity of thirteen and a half lakh liters of water.

Now the total water storage capacity of this lake is 2 crore 35 lakh 20 thousand. Also, a solar energy panel has been installed on the pond, and water is being released into the tank by a 3 HP motor in a tank with a water storage capacity of 10,000 liters from the Gram Panchayat.

A total of 900 families are benefiting from this water in Shingadewadi, Talepathar, Upper Uglewadi, Pote Vasti, Bhawari and Karvande Vasti under Uglewadi-Fadalewadi Gram Panchayat and 300 families in Upper Supewadi, Madhliwadi, Malwadi and Dhagadwadi under Supewadi in Khed taluka.

Activities of 'Social for Action' Campaign :-

Toilets and digital e-learning facilities for schools:-

'Act for Education' activity is being implemented for schools through 'Social for Action' campaign. Under this initiative, toilets have been constructed in twelve schools so far, and forty six digital e-learning sets have been provided in forty schools in Pune, Kolhapur and Nagar districts this year.

Cycle Bank Project :-

The 'Cycle Bank Project' is being implemented so that the education of school students in rural and remote areas, especially girls, should not be incomplete and girls should not have to walk five to six km for education. Under this initiative, bicycles have been distributed to 120 students this year.

Shingadewadi, Ambegaon, Dist. Pune :- Water storage after deepening of the pond and solar panels installed at the site of the pond.

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