Month: August 2022

Fundraising for Hospitals

How to Get Funds for Starting a Hospital? Here Are 5 Ways You Can Try!

Starting a private practice as a healthcare service provider requires licensing and regulatory criteria, be it a doctor’s clinic, individual practice, laboratory facilities, a single speciality hospital or a multi-speciality hospital. Therefore, it is imperative for you to be aware of the different legal requirements before starting a clinic/hospital. Funds for Starting a Hospital Financing […]

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Charitable Bollywood Celebrities In India

Top 5 Most Charitable Bollywood Celebrities In India

All of us have role models who inspire us to do better in life. You too must be awed by celebrities be it our cricketers or Bollywood stars. Some are true source of inspiration, extending a helping hand to the people in need. Read about the charitable celebrities of India who are making the world […]

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Crowdfunding is Advantageous to New Entrepreneurs

Why Crowdfunding is Advantageous to New Entrepreneurs?

What Is Crowdfunding And How Does It Work For Entrepreneurs Starting a business may be an exciting process, but it costs money. When determining business startup costs, it’s important to be realistic. Things like office space, legal fees, payroll, business credit cards and other organizational expenses can really add up. Online crowdfunding — raising smaller […]

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Crowdfunding Benefits for Startups

Is Crowdfunding Good For Startups? How Startups Can Benefit From It

Startup crowdfunding is a great way to raise money for a new business, product, or idea. There are numerous crowdfunding platforms on the internet, and all of them can increase exposure, build an audience, and raise money to fund a business. However, success rates are low, and it can be a stressful process. If you’re […]

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Promote Your Fundraising Campaign

8 Ways to Promote Your Fundraising Campaign

What Is Fundraising Campaign? Crowdfunding is defined as the process of taking a project or business, in need of investment, and asking a large group of people to supply this investment. This phenomena has exponentially increased in popularity over the last few years and, as a consequence, is now presented as a viable method of […]

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Fundraising for Hospitals

How To Write A Crowdfunding Campaign That Gets Funded

What Is Crowdfunding Campaign At a basic level, crowdfunding is lots of people – the crowd – putting in money to support a project. It could be for something as diverse as a trip to a sports competition or to raise money for a medical emergency. In some cases, the funders do so as an […]

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