Tax Benefits Non-Profit(NGO)

IBT(Introduction to basic technology)Electrical,Agriculture,Food and Nutrition labs

Dr Sharayu Ghole
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Dr Sharayu Ghole

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About the Organization:
To make Sumati Balwan an ideal school imparting education for life .Provide education ,infra structure ,and basic facilities to children belonging to underpriviledged families .Create awareness in the community and students about the enviornment.Enable children for the future by providing vocational skill training .

We run a charitable school and an orphanage (destitute children’s home) in rural remote area-Gujar-Nimbalkarwadi , Pune. Inspired by our saints like Sant Dnyaneshwar Mauli, Swami Vivekanand, we started working in this area 25 years back. As it is said that.” children are the messages of future” We started working for children and adopted some children in 1999. Then, our journey of Building of education, and Promoting access for everyone started. We established” Sumati Balwan” With a mission to deliver quality education. Sumati Balwan caters to children from nearby villages also. To make the children self sufficient , independent, vocational training —IBT-was introduced from eighth class onwards seven years back.IBT has made a great impact on the progress of children. IMPACT OF IBT— IBT is the catalyst that has transformed the hidden potential of all students into boundless opportunity. As all our students have rural background, most are first generation students, there is no support, guidance at home, the progress in academics was somewhat slow. But with introduction of IBT.— It worked as a project based learning. The children are skilled, very good with their hands in doing all the projects .It lead to a boost in the confidence of children. The understanding ,grasping of children increased, retention of knowledge is better reflecting in progress in other academic subjects also. Children have already started doing some small repairs at home as well as helping neighbors. IBT is playing a great role in gender equality also. In food and nutrition section boys also take training along with the girls. The boys go home and try the recipes that are taught in the school-unheard of things in a village. But in Gujar-Nimbalkarwadi it is becoming a regular feature. IBT helps children know their liking, and give direction to their life by choosing a career of their choice and capacity. There is a shift in the mindset of the children from Being an employee to giving employment. We are very much impressed and happy with the transformation that is taking place in the children. FUTURE PLANS— With this success our horizon, vision has broadened,expanded immensely. We want to conduct certificate courses In various faculties for the outside children, people from the nearby rural area. Our vision is to empower the whole rural area around and prevent the flow to the mainstream city.The idea of decentralization can come into reality. As the number of children is increasing and we want to cater to outside students also,we want to have better infrastructure, facilities for our IBT division. We need— Energy Lab. - Container cabin lab and erection with foundation—Rs 250000/- Tools—Rs. 50000/- Raw material for training-Rs 75000/- Instructor salary—Rs 15000/- month Food and nutrition lab— Container cabin lab and erection with foundation—Rs. 250000/- Gas-stove,oven,commercial mixer,grinder,solar dryer—Rs 100000/- Instructor salary-Rs 15000/- month Ours is the only school in Pune who is conducting IBT training under SSC syllabus .For growth and progress of students we are growing our infra structure by building new laboratories for Electrical,Agriculture ,food and nutrition .For safety and convinience and to get correct practical knowledge we are looking forward for funds to be raised for these laboratories . Looking forward to your support

We are planning to construct bigger labs ,upto date tools and equipments .We need— Energy Lab. - Container cabin lab and erection with foundation—Rs 250000/- Tools—Rs. 50000/- Raw material for training-Rs 75000/- Instructor salary—Rs 15000/- month Food and nutrition lab— Container cabin lab and erection with foundation—Rs. 250000/- Gas-stove,oven,commercial mixer,grinder,solar dryer—Rs 100000/- Instructor salary-Rs 15000/- month Ours is the charitable school.It is marathi medium school and our number of students is increasing and in this we are not able to cope up with the recurring expenses .To make us self sufficient we are finding different methods of Agriculture which will generate income .We are also finding activies to the children that will help them in their education and at the same time will generate income for trust .

Project Location(s):
Gujar-Nimbalkar wadi

Gaurav Dhamapurkar
Gaurav Dhamapurkar 2024-09-03T17:51:02+00:00
Darshan Kawar
Darshan Kawar 2024-09-02T20:51:40+00:00
Ashutosh Badnikar
Ashutosh Badnikar 2024-09-01T20:55:03+00:00
Sushama Desai
Sushama Desai 2024-09-01T14:16:48+00:00
Vandana Bhadgaonkar
Vandana Bhadgaonkar 2024-09-01T11:46:01+00:00
Ashish Datar
Ashish Datar 2024-09-01T09:37:01+00:00

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Every social media share can bring ₹5,000

Certificates & Tax Exemption


Donations to this NGO have 50% tax exemption for Indian donors.

Top Influencers

Gaurav Dhamapurkar
Gaurav Dhamapurkar Tuesday 3rd of September 2024 05:51:02 PM
Darshan Kawar
Darshan Kawar Monday 2nd of September 2024 08:51:40 PM
Ashutosh Badnikar
Ashutosh Badnikar Sunday 1st of September 2024 08:55:03 PM

Recent Donation

Gaurav Dhamapurkar
Gaurav Dhamapurkar 2024-09-03T17:51:02+00:00
Darshan Kawar
Darshan Kawar 2024-09-02T20:51:40+00:00
Ashutosh Badnikar
Ashutosh Badnikar 2024-09-01T20:55:03+00:00

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