Tax Benefits Non-Profit(NGO)

ICT in Education (Providing computer sets in the Computer Lab at Samarth Vidya Mandir and Samarth Vidyalaya, our inclusive co-ed Schools)

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About the Organization:
""Helpers of the Handicapped, Kolhapur" is a charitable trust - an institution working since last 38 years for integration and comprehensive rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. Our institution works with a vision of seeing persons with disabilities.

People with disabilities should be enabled to live a dignified life in society and they should be provided with all the necessary facilities for their physical, mental, educational, financial, and marital rehabilitation. Inspired by this objective, let's take a look at the work of Helpers of the Handicapped in Kolhapur, who have been working tirelessly for the last 37 years for the overall development and rehabilitation of the disabled and handicapped. A young man who was born without both arms, without parental umbrellas, and without the support of any relatives, with great difficulty using just his feet in daily life through the residential training program of 'Helpers of the Handicapped' to get a job in a good company. Rajesh Pillai entered the institution through an orphanage in Mumbai twelve or thirteen years ago when he was about 14-15 years old. Being Rajesh Divyang and being destitute was not a big problem for the organization, as Helpers of the Handicapped was an organization working for people with disabilities. The real problem was with his behavior because he was a rude, and addictive teenage boy. But gradually the current president of the organization & due to the guidance given by Deshpande and the faith shown in him, Rajesh's behavior changed and his personality gradually changed. Rajesh was encouraged from time to time by the organization on how to carry out his daily activities with the help of his own feet and toes as well as guidance on how to write with his toes and operate a computer. Not with good marks but he passed 10th from Samarth Vidyalaya institute. He entered Mahavir College in Kolhapur at the age of eleven, but he did not have much success. The institute realized that Rajesh needed to be imparted technical skills rather than formal education. Rajesh was not disappointed with the college failure. Other efforts were made along with guidance from the institute to get admission in IT (Information Technology Diploma) course in Government Technical College and finally Rajesh got admission. As it became difficult to get to and fro from the institute, Rajesh was accommodated in the college premises from the institute. With no hands, this course was a race of hurdles for Rajesh, but the organization guided and helped Rajesh from time to time, creating faith and positive energy. With the support of the institute, Rajesh was able to digest his failures. With determination and perseverance, he passed the Engineering Diploma with good marks and later got admission to the Government Engineering College at Karad. Here too the wait was long but Rajesh was the son of Helpers of the Handicapped. He continued to strive for success with the help of his own feet. Overcoming all difficulties with the organization's regular financial support, the young man, who has no hands and can write with his feet, earned a B.E. degree and is now serving as a Junior Systems Administrator at Benchmark IT Solutions.

Helpers of the Handicapped is making a special effort to help many crippled children like Rajesh stand on their own feet. Inspired by the objective of enabling the disabled to live a dignified life in society, Dr. Nasima Mohammad Amin Hurjuk, and Rajni Karkare-Deshpande formed the NGO Helpers of the Handicapped' in 1984. There are many disabled people in society and they need the right encouragement and help. The idea was put forward by two friends and they started the organization 'Helpers of the Handicapped' to help and rehabilitate the disabled. Initially, through the organization, work was started to understand the problems of the disabled and handicapped people coming to the organization, to provide them with medical help, prostheses, and implants. After that, the work of the organization expanded, and from that, the project 'Gharonda - Hostel and Rehabilitation Center' was created. Gharonda - Hostel and Rehabilitation Center ': - A free residential training hostel 'was set up at Unchgaon East on Hupri-Mudshingi Road at a distance of 9 km from Kolhapur for the main purpose of educational and medical rehabilitation of physically challenged students. The project includes mentoring workshops on the nutritional environment for the holistic development of students with disabilities, uninterrupted physical facilities, nutritious diet, medical aid and surgery as required, artificial devices, information technology facilities, special useful activities for personality and skill development, sports, and cultural opportunities. Recognizing the need of the hour, special efforts are made to provide all the necessary amenities. The majority of the students in this residential project are from rural areas and low-income groups.

‘Samarth Vidyamandir’: - By studying the difficulties encountered in the education of physically challenged children, in the year 2000, the organization has created an inclusive school for the physically challenged and general children from kindergarten to 8th and ‘Samarth Vidyalaya’ from 9th to 10th. In this school students from all walks of life study together. The school conducts educational courses as per the rules of the school and also complements the activities to increase the confidence of the students and introduce them to various subjects like music, literature, dance, and drama. Recognizing the need for skill-based education, the school has started Multi Skill Foundation Course for 8th to 10th standard students. The course also provides employment opportunities for students who are unable to make academic progress due to intellectual disabilities.
Vocational Training Center: -
The role of formal education is very important in the rehabilitation of the physically challenged. However, due to adverse conditions or lack of interest or speed in education, some people who are physically challenged are unable to get an education. In order to provide vocational training and employment to such people, the organization started its Business Training Center at Kolhapur, Shilai Training Center, and Lajwab Cashew Processing Training Center at Sindhudurg in 2016 under the organization's 'Help help Welfare Foundation' initiative. Through this, more than 150 people who are physically challenged have been provided employment through the organization. Under this initiative, training is imparted according to different departments - 1. Construction Department - Wheelchairs, Walkers, Crutches, Portable Commodities, etc. Creating tools.

2. Carpentry Department - Furniture making and fabrication work for the office, home, and school.

3. Skills Training Center (Department of Stitching and Handicrafts): The physically challenged females and male trainees working in this department are trained to make various items of stone, work, handicrafts, School-college and company uniforms, frocks, cross bags, handbags, cotton shopping bags, Shabnam bags, aprons as well as embroidered handkerchiefs, scarves, knitting - manufacture of sweaters, socks for children, hats, mobile pouches, ornaments, handbags, pylons, etc. The Helpers of the Handicapped has helped more than 35,000 students with physical challenges in the last 37 years. Through the organization, they have been able to stand on their own feet by imparting education-based training as well as providing them employment opportunities. Many meritorious disabled students and people like Rajesh Pillai are undergoing education and training in the residential hostel 'Gharonda' of the institute as well as in Samarth Vidyalaya. The organization needs the collective help of all of us to bring such students into the mainstream of society. The organization needs financial support for physical equipment, computer room, other equipment, and educational training and materials.

Project Location(s):
Unchgaon , Tal.Karveer, Dist. Kolhapur

Sunil Mainkar
Sunil Mainkar 2022-03-12T14:54:24+00:00
Tanmayi Dhamankar
Tanmayi Dhamankar 2022-03-06T12:37:53+00:00
Tanmayi Dhamankar
Tanmayi Dhamankar 2022-03-06T12:30:07+00:00
Shlok Ingole
Shlok Ingole 2022-03-06T10:38:50+00:00

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Every social media share can bring ₹5,000

Certificates & Tax Exemption


Donations to this NGO have 50% tax exemption for Indian donors.

Top Influencers

Sunil Mainkar
Sunil Mainkar Saturday 12th of March 2022 02:54:24 PM
Tanmayi Dhamankar
Tanmayi Dhamankar Sunday 6th of March 2022 12:37:53 PM
Tanmayi Dhamankar
Tanmayi Dhamankar Sunday 6th of March 2022 12:30:07 PM

Recent Donation

Sunil Mainkar
Sunil Mainkar 2022-03-12T14:54:24+00:00
Tanmayi Dhamankar
Tanmayi Dhamankar 2022-03-06T12:37:53+00:00
Tanmayi Dhamankar
Tanmayi Dhamankar 2022-03-06T12:30:07+00:00

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