In the heart of Ambegaon Taluka, where life was a daily struggle for young Megha and her peers, a ray of hope emerged, casting a warm, transformative glow over their lives.
In the tranquil village of Lavale, a significant transformation took place that improved the lives of the students at Zilla Parishad Primary School. The school, home to more than 650 students
In the heart of Pune, two pillars of social responsibility came together, shaping a path of hope and empowerment for the underprivileged. A harmonious collaboration
In the remote tribal villages of Maharashtra, where access to quality education seemed like an elusive dream, Sheila's journey unfolded as an inspiring testament to the transformation
Sakal's 'ACT FOR EDUCATION' initiative, in collaboration with Roche Information Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., has brought a revolutionary change to the education landscape in Ambegaon taluka.
Sakal Social Foundation, in collaboration with Shree Mukund Bhavan Trust, Pune and H. Sakal Media Group, has embarked on an ambitious initiative to provide free eye check-ups and spectacles...